Younique Jewelry

Small Oval Blue Turquoise Sterling Silver Earrings

  • Small oval Turquoise sterling silver dangle earrings.
  • Size of small oval Turquoise sterling silver dangle earrings.


  • Small Turquoise sterling silver dangle earrings.
  • Oval shape approximately 6x8mm and dangle about 2.5cm long.
  • French hooks.
  • NOTE: Any unusual color that may be in some of the photos is only reflections or shadows. 
  • SANC149

Mystical Properties: Turquoise is still a valued power stone. It will strengthen and align all of the Chakras; and it can be used to cleanse your energy centers. As a meditation tool, the gem can assist in clearing your mind, opening you to the Universal All. Use Turquoise to attune to the spiritual plane or provide protection during vision quests or astral travel. Native Americans believed the stone brought protection to a rider upon a horse, and great protection in general, especially to turn away the evil eye.Called "sky stone" or "stone of heaven" by some Native Americans, the vibrations of turquoise can build a spiritual bridge between worlds and give strong psychic powers to the bearer.

Turquoise is considered to be a symbol of generosity, sincerity, and affection. It preserves friendships and can make friends out of enemies in time. Traditionally is is said to only bring good luck if given, not purchased. However, this is not always the case. One must take into consideration the innate energy of each stone individually.


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